Thursday, September 4, 2008

Rough Start

I had a rough start of the week, it felt like everything was going against me. Not to go in to detail about my issues, but I decided in the last minute to change classes for my last semester which turned in to a long, never-ending ordeal that has caused me to have a headache for 3 days (going on 4 days now). Last night I thought I was getting a cold cause my whole body was aching like when having a fever but I feel better today, so hopefully it won't turn in to anything else.

My laptop gave up on me for a few days, but now it’s back up and running again...for the moment I should say, I think I will have to get a new one though. Pain in the butt, but what to do?! I still have work to do for my dad’s job which has just been sitting here since I haven’t had a computer (Mr. L's laptop does not have a Swedish keyboard). And as I’ve mentioned before, Jay is going through a pain in the butt phase, so he likes to test his limits all the time... I took him to the vet yesterday for his one-year vaccination booster and he was whining and acting like as if it was his very first time outside the house pretty much. So freakn embarrassing!

Oh, and let's not forget I thought I was gonna have to go the US embassy in Stockholm on Friday, as Mr. L thought he had lost his passport. Thank God we eventually found it ... 'cause I don't want to think about all the hassle having to contact immigration too.

But yesterday, the sky started to look a litte brighter again. :) I finally got a letter, stating I was accepted to one of the classes I wanted to change to (ah, so nice!!) ...and today, this morning I should say, my beloved Alih came home. Ahhhhh, it was so nice to finally have my old precious baby at home. Everything felt better immediately. My old baby is sleeping next to me right now, tight, tight next to my feet as I am sitting here, in front of the computer. :) Jay was very happy to see his old bro too, he bounced around showing Alih all his toys... (like as if Alih hadn’t seen them before .. lol).

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