Thursday, September 11, 2008

Obedience Training

It was time for Obedience Training tonight. James was really quiet and well-behaved. Surprise, surprise. Our instructor even said "What have you done with him? It looks like you've been out running with him as relaxed as he is" ... But nope, sure he went for a long walk before but that's standard procedure. He just had a good day today, I guess... Or maybe all the training is starting to show. Who knows!

But...he growled a couple of times towards the instructor's male dog. :( We were doing some exercises where her dog was right up on James as he (Jay) was laying down, so it could have been because he felt vulnerable. Regardless, he should not behave like that though and it came as a surprise 'cause Jay is normally really good among both males and females. I corrected his behaviour immediately and he stopped, so hopefully it does not have to become any bigger than that. Despite that though, we had a great evening! :) The little man is passed out so apparently the training was mentally exhausting. ..hihi...

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