Thursday, September 25, 2008

Amazing Weather

It should be illegal to be this cute... :)

We've had absolutely amazing weather today! Jay and I went to a park and the forest this morning. We started off with obedience, then play and thereafter some search... and finished with a nice walk. For the first time when doing search with him, I actually hid 2 items for him. He found the first one, a ball, in a short amount of time and retrieved it back to me. But when I sent him right back out again, he looked at me like "I just found the toy... what am I searching for this time?"... but he did as he was told, and took off again... he worked hard, searched and searched and sure enough, he found his tug-of-war toy and could not have gotten any happier! :) Jay really loves search and he's very good at it. My little baby...:)

And regards to the WP training last night. Only a few people showed up, unfortunately. But we started off as always by having the dogs pull chains around the track. We even added a tire for Jay after a while...mmm, it was quite heavy for him with both the chain and the tire (I tried pulling it myself). But we only took one lap around the track with both the tire & the chain. Don't want to overdo it with James, he's still so young and also, it is very important he continues to enjoy it. After a few laps with a chain around the track, we practiced starts. Jay was tired and very content when we finally made it home. :)

Tonight was our last intermediate obedience class. We did lots of training that I found very valuable, so Mr. Jayness is pooped right now. :) Tough mental training for him. Alih went with my parents to the country tonight, but we are actually going there tomorrow since my folks are going away for the weekend. Hopefully the nice weather will continue 'cause on Saturday Jay and I are going to meet up with Gabbi and her dog Vilma. We are going to check out an obedience competition in the town where she lives, and we are gonna do some training with Jay and Vilma as well. I'm really looking forward... Anyhow, time for some school work... Ciao my friends!
Pics from this morning...

1 comment:

  1. Cute? I say "what a handsome young boy", watch out girls :-)
