Monday, September 8, 2008

How many kisses?

How many times a day do you kiss your babies (or baby)? Obviously I'm refering to my four-legged babies. :)

I must kiss my babies like a hundred million times a day. Poor things. :) Well, maybe not Alih 'cause when he's had enough he growls at me..hihi..he's a freak. James I can kiss as much as I want to though, and that I do. :) And he usually plants some wet ones right back on me.

But the one who probably loved my kisses the most was Carlos. He would never get enough of it. He would close his eyes and squeeze in tight, tight next to me while enjoying every second of every kiss... hihi...My cute baby bear.

I mean seriously, how can you walk by those super cute babies and not kiss them??!! It's almost impossible! As a matter of fact, I will have to go find Jay and Alih right now ...:)

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