Monday, September 1, 2008


You may have noticed that James goes under a lot of different names. I guess Jay, Jamie, Jesse, Jayness, Wild Child etc. kind of makes sense to most people but what about names like McKenzie, The Fighting Irish, Muggens, Muggie etc.? :)

And let’s not even get in to all the names Alih has, he’s had a lifetime to gather nicknames and he’s probably a millionaire by now. :) Here are some of his nicknames, Babba, Mickey, Aliz, Old Man, Stinky Binky, Snuppe (my dad’s nickname for Alih – please don’t ask!), White Chest, Puppy Boy, Shaved Leg... the list goes on and on and on...

There’s a Swedish saying though that might explain all these names, it goes like this: “Kärt barn har många namn”... it means something like “A beloved child has many names”. :)

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