Monday, September 29, 2008


Lots of birthdays this time of year. Today, is my DAD's birthday!!! Hip, Hip Hurrah!!!

If I could afford it, I would buy him something like this (considering he's a serious car freak):

Today, is also Freddan's birthday (an old friend of mine) -
Happy Birthday!!!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Clean Babies

My furry babies are clean, they finally got a bath. Ahhh, they smell lovely! :) Jay and I have done more obedience training today as well... And I've been studying. How much fun do you think that is? Not very.

Oh must not forget - Happy Birthday to my good friend Miss Hazel Girl today... she's getting older and older, I tell ya... hihi.. She's 26!!! Anyhow, it's almost time to head home to the city... Time to pack up!

Above: Jay and I training the heel command.

Above: While Jay and I are training, this is usually Alih's position. hihi.. He loves to sleep as much as possible... the old Tiger. :)

Show Biz News - Really?

Clay Aiken: "Yes, I'm gay"...

L.E.W: "Whaaaaaaaaat??? I am shocked, I had no idea..." LOL

Saturday, September 27, 2008

A Gorgeous Screen Legend...

Mr. Paul Newman has died at age 83. What a hunk he was in his younger days, huh??!!!...
My sincere condolences...

Our day in Kristinehamn

Jay and I took off this morning for Kristinehamn where we met up with Gabbi & Vilma. After having checked out Gabbi & her man's house, we went to the harbour. We found a great lawn right next to the water where we began our training. Jay was actually really good today, but he's been in a good phase for a while now so he's quite well-behaved and calm, thus easy to train... (well, calm for being him at least :)).

After having trained stacking (for dog shows), obedience such as heel, sit, down, down-stay, sit-stay and recall etc. we went to the Dog Club to check out the obedience competition that was going on there. It was fun to see, but after about an hour we were freezing our butts off ... We said our good-byes (by this time it was already late afternoon) and Jayness and I sped off to the country where Mr. L and Alih were hanging out. Next time Gabbi and I meet, we are gonna train tracking together... looking forward to that. Here are some pics from our day... ps. Kristinehamn is a really beautiful town worth visiting...

Above: Here are the wild babies = trouble, trouble, trouble... :)

Above: Down-stay training. They did great, but after a while they became very interested in each other. :)

Above: Very important with contact training... so lots of it.

Above: And more contact... Such a Good Baby! :)

Thursday, September 25, 2008

A Quote by the great Martin Luther King, Jr. -

The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character - that is the goal of true education.

Amazing Weather

It should be illegal to be this cute... :)

We've had absolutely amazing weather today! Jay and I went to a park and the forest this morning. We started off with obedience, then play and thereafter some search... and finished with a nice walk. For the first time when doing search with him, I actually hid 2 items for him. He found the first one, a ball, in a short amount of time and retrieved it back to me. But when I sent him right back out again, he looked at me like "I just found the toy... what am I searching for this time?"... but he did as he was told, and took off again... he worked hard, searched and searched and sure enough, he found his tug-of-war toy and could not have gotten any happier! :) Jay really loves search and he's very good at it. My little baby...:)

And regards to the WP training last night. Only a few people showed up, unfortunately. But we started off as always by having the dogs pull chains around the track. We even added a tire for Jay after a while...mmm, it was quite heavy for him with both the chain and the tire (I tried pulling it myself). But we only took one lap around the track with both the tire & the chain. Don't want to overdo it with James, he's still so young and also, it is very important he continues to enjoy it. After a few laps with a chain around the track, we practiced starts. Jay was tired and very content when we finally made it home. :)

Tonight was our last intermediate obedience class. We did lots of training that I found very valuable, so Mr. Jayness is pooped right now. :) Tough mental training for him. Alih went with my parents to the country tonight, but we are actually going there tomorrow since my folks are going away for the weekend. Hopefully the nice weather will continue 'cause on Saturday Jay and I are going to meet up with Gabbi and her dog Vilma. We are going to check out an obedience competition in the town where she lives, and we are gonna do some training with Jay and Vilma as well. I'm really looking forward... Anyhow, time for some school work... Ciao my friends!
Pics from this morning...

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

New Training Partner

Tonight, for the first time (after talking about it for so long) Jay and I finally met up with Anna & Aston (springer spaniel) for some obedience training. We did not do that much training tonight though, mostly chatted and decided on stuff we want to focus on with our training... but it felt really good and both dogs behaved very well (they are both males). I got very motivated and am really looking forward to next week when we meet again. We are gonna join the local dog club so we can use their training grounds considering it soon will be dark early at night and we will need access to light. :)

Tomorrow night it's time for WP training again. Should be fun!


Sunday, September 21, 2008

Mental/ Temperament Test (MH)

James did his Temperament Test (Mental beskrivning) yesterday; Saturday, September 20, 2008. It went great. It was done at Filipstads Brukshundsklubb and the grader was Klas Nordblom. At the time of the test, Jay was 4 days shy of being 13 months old.

Here's the result (in Swedish only!). Pics further down.

1a. Kontakt - hälsning
R: Överdrivet kontakttagande, ex. hoppar, gnäller, skäller = 5

1b. Kontakt - samarbete
R: Följer med villigt, är överdrivet engagerad i testledaren, ex. hoppar, gnäller, skäller = 5

1c. Kontakt - hantering
R: Accepterar, svarar med överdrivet kontaktbeteende = 5

2a. Lek 1 - leklust
R: Startar snabbt, leker aktivt = 4

2b. Lek 1 - gripande
R: Griper tveksamt eller med framtänderna = 3

2c. Lek 1 - dragkamp
R: Griper direkt m. hela munnen & drar emot tills testledaren släpper = 4

3a. Jakt - förföljande
R. Startar med hög fart, målinriktad - bromsar in vid bytet = 4
R. Startar med hög fart, målinriktad - bromsar in vid bytet = 4

3b. Jakt - gripande
R: 1*Griper tveksamt eller med tidsfördröjning = 3
R: 2*Griper direkt, släpper = 4

4a. Aktivitet
R: Är uppmärksam och i huvudsak lugn. Enstaka aktivitetshöjningar = 3

5a. Avst. Lek - intresse
R: Intresserad, följer figuranten utan avbrott = 3

5b. Avst. Lek - hot/agg.
R: Visar enstaka (1-2) hotbeteenden under momentets första del = 2

5c. Avst. Lek - nyfikenhet
R: Går fram till den dolda men talande figuranten = 3

5d. Avst. Lek - leklust
R: Griper direkt. Drar emot. Släpper ej = 5

5e. Avst. Lek - samarbete
R: Är aktiv med figuranten när denne är aktiv = 3

6a. Överraskn. -rädsla
R: Hukar sig och stannar = 2

6b. Överraskn. - hot/agg.
R: Visar inga hotbeteenden = 1

6c. Överraskn. - nyfikenhet
R: Går fram till overallen när föraren gått halva avståndet = 4

6d. Överraskn. - kvarstående rädsla
R: Ingen tempoförändring eller undanmanöver = 1

6e. Överraskn. - kvarstående intresse
R: Inget intresse = 1

7a. Ljudkänsl. - rädsla
R: Gör undanmanöver utan att vända bort blicken = 3

7b. Ljudkänsl. - nyfikenhet
R: Går fram till skramlet utan hjälp = 5

7c. Ljudkänsl. - kvarstående rädsla
R: Ingen tempoförändring eller undanmanöver = 1

7d. Ljudkänsl. - kvarstående intresse
R: Stannar upp. Luktar/tittar på skramlet vid ett tillfälle = 2

8a. Spöken - hot/agg.
R: Visar flera hot-beteenden under längre tid = 3

8b. Spöken - kontroll
R: Kontrollerar/handlar mot spökena. Kortare avbrott = 4

8c. Spöken - rädsla
R: Uppehåller sig i huvudsak framför eller bredvid föraren. Någon avståndsreglering = 2

8d. Spöken - nyfikenhet
R: Går fram till spöket när föraren gått halva avståndet = 4

8e. Spöken - kontakt
R: Tar kontakt själv. Balanserad = 4

9a. Lek 2 - leklust
R: Leker aktivt, startar snabbt = 4

9b. Lek 2 - gripande
R: Griper försiktigt eller nyper i föremålet = 3

10. Skott
R: Visar ingen berördhet. Snabb kontroll sedan helt oberörd = 1

Below are some pics from the test.

Above: 2 ghosts showed up from different directions... Jay is taking a good look at them. :)

Above: This overall was pulled up right in front of Jay.

Above: Sudden loud noise. He got scared but immediately walked up to the source and checked it out.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

In Loving Memory

365 days have passed, since the worst day of my life. It was September the 20th 2007 (the day after my 30th birthday) that I lost my baby, my son, my best friend, my guardian - my beloved Carlos. THE WORST DAY OF MY LIFE! And not a day has passed without thinking about him or actually talking about him. Mr. L and I talk about Carlos everyday like he was still very much with us... well, actually he is... and he always will be.

If a dog (or any animal for that matter) can be a human being’s soul mate, Carlos was mine. If you didn’t know him, no words can describe him well enough... He had a halo over his head... he was an angel with his big heart and loving manners.

When I think of Carlos now-a-days, it usually puts a big smile on my face as I remember him with great affection, I remember his wonderful personality, and of course I remember and cheerish all the good memories we have together... but there are still days when I just want to scream, pull my hair and just cry my eyes out when thinking about not having him with me anymore. It’s unbelievable that he is no longer with us... :(

If you ever met my wonderful baby, please take a moment to remember this amazing dog today, it truly would mean a great deal to me. There will never ever be anyone like him again.

I will miss you every single day for the rest of my life – I love you with all my heart, will always be my Big Boy!

I love music and I thought these songs say it all...

LeAnn Rimes - "Amazing Grace"

Eric Clapton - "Tears in Heaven"

P. Diddy & Faith Evans - "I'll be missing you"

A Poem - for Carlos

Upon this day I reminisce
With sadness and regret
The loss of my beloved
Special "child" who was my pet.

It's been a year of longing
Wishing you'd return to me ...
For though you left one year ago,
I cannot "set you free".

Though time has made it easier,
To go from day to day ...
No one can understand the
"Special" role your life did play.

For every day you were a part,
Of love and joy and life ...
You had a way that focussed me
And lessened daily strife.

I'd hurry home to see your face,
Behind that window pane;
Where wiggles, hugs and cuddles
Brightened up the worst of days.

And now I sit, with eyes tear filled,
You are not by my side;
And when I see the window,
It is bare and bleak inside.

Emotions, they are raw today,
I'm simply torn apart ...
For hollow, wrenching feelings
Tear apart this very heart.

An emptiness, that's deeper than
The oceans ... fill my soul;
A painful hunger bites my
Inner self beyond control.

For though time healed the daily wounds
I wore upon my sleeve,
I shelter from the world outside
Just what you meant to me.

To me, you were more human
Than some others I have known ...
You gave such love and tenderness;
T'was deep within your soul.

- unknown


Carlos was the most amazing dog in the whole world, he and I had a very special bond... The 2 of us simply belonged together.

He was the kindest and most lovable dog one could ever ask for. He was an excellent guardian & protector who we used to call our very own "Chief of Police" since he was on the clock 24/7. He would not miss a beat. He was a s sweet as could be around his family, but also the best guard dog one could ever ask for.
Dec 31, 1999 to Sep 20, 2007

Above: Cute as a button :)

Above: The Big Baby loved to sleep, and especially in his very own bed along with his stuffed animals. :)

Above: He could charm anyone...:)
Above: He spent his last years in Sweden and the snow was probably the best part about this new country.

Above: A snow angel...

Above: He was an excellent swimmer and loved to spend time in the water.

Above: He also loved to chill with his "brother".

Above: This was our "dream team" because better dogs than this are impossible to get.

Friday, September 19, 2008

My Birthday

This is a beautiful flower I received.

It's my b-day today... (not sure whether I should laugh or cry :)). Mr. L made me a big American breakfast this morning with pancakes, ham, eggs etc. It was very good. :) Once ready, we took off for the country and my parents house to enjoy some cake. My grandparents and my cousin Karro & her daughter Ellen came to celebrate too. Karro's mom showed up a little later as well...

I'd like to say THANKS to all the congratulatory text messages (SMS), all the calls and e-mails I've received today. It means a lot - mucho gracias.. (to be a litte international :)).

One of the cakes - yum! ....Busy cutting the cake. :)

My grandparents and ... Karro & Ellen.

ps. Check out my cousin Caroline's blog - she's so cute thinking of her OLDer cousin. :)

Thursday, September 18, 2008

It could have gone bad

Jay had his obedience class tonight and it went well. His whining has become so much better (at least in class & at WP), he barley whined once... Hallelujah!!! He's in a good phase again which is very nice!

Normally, I take Jay for a long walk before the class, but I didn't have the time tonight since we had been invited to a classmate of Mr. L's (a Canadian woman and her Swedish husband). We came home late so I had to rush over to the park in order for us not to be late. Instead, we went for a walk after the class and when I reached a park I let James off the leash. This is a park that we go to a lot where I usually play fetch with him, or I even do search at times (he gets to search for his toy and he LOVES it). :)

Tonight, Jay was running around with his tug-of-war toy in his mouth, all happy & crazy... and just as I'm calling him back to me I hear, from a house next to the park, someone scream "you come back here... hey, come back!"... I was like shit, here comes a dog... and sure enough. Fortunately, James was already back with me so I held on to his collar and was waiting to see what the other dog was going to do. 'Cause if he wanted to fight and no owner would come, I was considering letting Jay go so he would be able to better defend himself. But the dog stopped right in front of us, so I said with a stern voice "you go home right away - go home!" at the same time as I did an arm movement shooing him away. And he turned around and ran back home! :) By the time the dog was back in it's yard, the owner had come out and could hold on to his dog. I put the leash on James and started walking and as we passed the owner and the dog, I told the guy that his dog had run back home when I told him to. The guy said good and thanks, and went on by saying that his dog only wants to play and that maybe we should let the dogs play with each other. I asked if it was a male dog he had, and it was.. so I said I don't want to take the chance. Jay is very good among male dogs, but I have noticed him wanting to be dominant with dogs more of his own age and this dog was quite young. If they would get in to a fight it could very well change James forever and have him hate male dogs in the future. I don't want to take that chance!

FYI: for any Americans who read this - most dogs in Sweden are not spayed or neutered (that includes Jay) thus these kinds of problems. I know in the US we always have our dogs off leash in parks and when going on hikes, and we let them say hi to all the dogs we meet without any interference by us humans. Unfortunately that's not possible here. :(

Anyhow, after the incident Jayness and I continued our walk in peace. Thank God!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

I've ordered a new BFF

Yeah, it was time... to order a new laptop. My current has been a very good friend of mine, but she has been working 24/7 since I got her pretty much so I should be happy she lasted as long as she did. I can't wait to get my new one though - my little Black Beauty...we're gonna be BFF. :) I'm trying a new brand this time around, a Packard Bell with a 320 GB hard drive. Should have enough storage for all my pics.. hihi... Here she is...Everybody - say hi to her. :)

ps. Met up with my cousin Karro today, we went to the mall & enjoyed a nice lunch together. We definitely don't see each other often enough. I don't know why 'cause we live really close to each other. I guess every-day-life gets in-between. :(


James 13-Sep-08

We had WP training tonight again and it went great. Jay seemed much more focused and he had a much better technique when pulling the cart today. Guess what the little baby is doing now? hihi... sleeping. He ate a big meal after coming home and went straight to bed pretty much. It's nice to see that something actually can get him tired and content. :)

Old Man (a.k.a. Alih) came along to the WP training too. We started off taking both dogs for a walk, but when the training started we put him in the car.. so Alih was relaxing and chillin' in the car while Jay was trying to rid some energy. :)

Sunday, September 14, 2008

A Major Bomb...

..of pictures of my young baby from this morning. The weather was amazing, sunny and warm yet brisk. A perfect day for my model to do some work...hihi...

Above: Practicing stacking with my baby

Above: How beautiful is he not on this pic? He looks so much like
his dad when he tucks his ears back. Me like. :)

Above: Yet another "daddy look alike" pic.

Above: Doing what he loves the most - RUNNING!

Above: My boy is a true athlete, he proves that on this pic and the ones to follow.

Sunny Fall Greetings from Ö, Sweden!

ps. The WP training went good yesterday. Jay was passed out for the rest of the day pretty much. And dinner with Rich & Tatiana last night was great fun... fabulous food and great company - a perfect evening if you ask me.


Saturday, September 13, 2008

New Title Picture

It was time for a new title picture/header considering the summer is over. :(

Friday Night

It's Friday night and what am I doing? STUDYING! My Gosh I'm tired of school now. This past summer and all the studying it entailed sucked all "school energy" out of me. And honestly, it's not so much fun anymore. But I guess that's also a way of mentally preparing myself for (and getting excited about) returning to the working world again. Bring it on, 'cause I am ready! :)

Just gotta suck it up in order to complete this last semester, and I can do that. The classes I am taking are actually really interesting which is great (this last semester, all the classes are online by the way). I'm currently taking a class called "Change and Knowledge Management" which will continue throughout the semester, while the class "Customer Relationship Management" is only for the first 10 weeks. The last 10 weeks I'm taking another class called "Brand Management". Ulrika and I are taking all the classes together so I have a study partner even though it's online, and we are currently working on a group assignment (i.e. case analysis).

Tomorrow night, we have been invited to some friends for dinner which I'm looking forward to. It's a friend of Mr. L's (an Australian dude) and his wife. But tomorrow morning (actually it's already Saturday, so I guess it's this morning) will begin with weight pulling for my Sweet Jayness since the weekend training has been changed to Saturdays instead of Sundays. Fine by me.

Time to watch some TV... Nighty, night!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Obedience Training

It was time for Obedience Training tonight. James was really quiet and well-behaved. Surprise, surprise. Our instructor even said "What have you done with him? It looks like you've been out running with him as relaxed as he is" ... But nope, sure he went for a long walk before but that's standard procedure. He just had a good day today, I guess... Or maybe all the training is starting to show. Who knows!

But...he growled a couple of times towards the instructor's male dog. :( We were doing some exercises where her dog was right up on James as he (Jay) was laying down, so it could have been because he felt vulnerable. Regardless, he should not behave like that though and it came as a surprise 'cause Jay is normally really good among both males and females. I corrected his behaviour immediately and he stopped, so hopefully it does not have to become any bigger than that. Despite that though, we had a great evening! :) The little man is passed out so apparently the training was mentally exhausting. ..hihi...

Anniversary of 9/11 terrorist attacks

It's been 7 years since the terrorist attacks on New York City and Washington D.C....
but I remember it as if it was yesterday. Even LA became a ghost town...
it truly was an awful, awful day!

"Today marks the seventh anniversary of the day our world was broken," Mayor Michael Bloomberg said in New York City. "It lives forever in our hearts and our history, a tragedy that unites us in a common memory and a common story ... the day that began like any other and ended as none ever has."