Tuesday, May 6, 2008


We went to a lake last night for the dogs to enjoy themselves. My parents came with, as did my grandfather who lives in the area. The dogs had a wonderful time, even old man Alih ran around like as if he was 2 years old again. This evening also turned in to a big night for young man James. He took his first swim!!! He has taken a couple of dips before but never swam. Water was splashing around him like as if he was some sort of elephant. We laughed our butts off... he looked absolutely hilarious! It was my dad who through his ball too far out in the lake ... and Jay wanted his ball back badly. He whined for awhile and was almost about to give up, when all of a sudden he through himself in the water and started swimming towards the ball. I thought I would have to run in and get him, I did not think he would be able to stay above water but he did. It was nothing smooth about his strokes AT ALL, but he did it! With lots of practice this summer, the baby blue will turn in to a superb swimmer, you watch!

Tonight was our obedience class which was much more successful than last week’s as there were no female dogs in heat tonight. We learned a few new things, so overall we had a great evening! It is such a nice and rewarding feeling when one can tell we are progressing. I believe James has great potential as he is both bright and eager to work.

Tonight I also learned that I can be tougher on him. I don’t know why I haven’t been as tough on him as I was with Alih and Carlos. I think it might be because he is so much smaller, I fool myself thinking he is a sensitive little man, when in fact he’s a tough man who can deal with a firmer hand. I have always been very consistent with him but as our instructor explained tonight, he is older now and he should know these things, therefore I should be tougher on him. When I changed my tactics, he did excellent. He was very alert and would not miss a step or move I made.

Other than dogs, dogs, dogs I am currently working hard on getting the thesis done. We have a couple of more weeks to go until our first thesis defence, and after that, another week until our final examination defence is being held. It is going to be so darn nice when this is over. I am dead tired of it by now.
Well good people, I am signing off for tonight. Please enjoy some pics from last night.

Bye, bye.

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