Friday, May 23, 2008

A long day

Mr. L and I just came home from having been out to dinner with friends. My tummy is full! =)

We had our first thesis defence today and Ulrika (my thesis partner) and I are mad. It turns out some students in our group have had 2 thesis defences before this one, while this is our first one. I could not hold back when our supervisor was slamming some other guys’ paper (it was their first defences meet too). I had to ask our supervisor why this has happened, why we have not had any meets prior. To no surprise did he get defensive right away; I could tell it was no use pushing it 'cause we are in a vulnerable position. Not that he’s our examiner but I’m sure he knows the woman who will be the examiner, so I felt I better shut up. It is very unfair. But life ain't fair I guess.

Nonetheless the critique we got was OK . I felt like punching one of the guys in the face though (one of the guys in the critique group) . =) He thought he was Mr. Hot Shot himself. Grrrrrrr!!!! The things we have to change can be changed before the due date next Friday but we will be busy with our paper for sure. I sat down with our thesis as soon as I came home today. I sat for 4 hours straight and then it was time to go out to dinner. When I was done with it, I sent it over to Ulrika who was going to continue working on it tonight.

On another note, as of last night my Baby Blue is not at home. I miss him so damn much. He actually went with my parents to the country, normally Alih goes with them but I thought they could take Jay this time around. It’s good for him to be away from us a little bit, and he thinks it is very exciting being in the country. =) Since we got James, he’s only been away from us/been with my parents twice. And this is his first time with them all by himself (without Alih).

I just spoke to my dad and he was like “what the heck do you feed this boy, he has not slept all day long”... LOL. Well that would be James for you. I mean, at home during the day he sleeps as long as he has been exercised accordingly but I know the country (or just being somewhere else) is very exciting, so it’s hard for him to lie down and relax. My mom took him for a long walk this morning and during the day he has “helped” my dad with some stuff in the yard. =) My precious baby has been busy working all day long. Hihi... Tonight they took him for another long walk so at least he should be tired by now (I’m crossing my fingers =)).

But we still have one furry friend at home – we have Mr. Alih all to ourselves. My Stinky Binky (one of his many nicknames). Its nice being able to give him all the attention. As a matter of fact he is by my side right now, almost lying on top of my foot. =) He was so happy when we came home from dinner...wanting some human contact I guess. =)

Anyhow, I am going to watch some TV before I’ll fall asleep. It’s been a long day today – and tomorrow morning we’re heading to the country.... to be reunited with our Baby Blue. =)

Have a good weekend, everybody!

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