Tuesday, May 27, 2008

I'm a TV freak!

Are you a TV freak just like me? I don’t watch TV as much as I used to ... but I still love to watch some good old comedies when they air.

Some of the old ones that I keep watching reruns of are:

Makes me laugh my butt off even if I have seen the same episode several times before.

Sex & the City
Well hello... this is a cult show. I LOVE IT!

Will & Grace
I never watched this show when it first came out; it’s more recent that I have started watching it and it is HILARIOUS! Especially Jack, Karen & Rosario. =)

Such an amazing crew; all characters are funny and quirky in their own way.

My name is Earl

As dumb and fun as can be. =)

Married with children
I mean, how can this ever get boring?

1 comment:

  1. Håller med dig, finns inget skönare än att klämma ett avsnitt av dessa serier. Jag lovar att ta det lungt med pensel, man kan ju bli anlitad av grannarna annars. ( Ja jag menar när dom ser min penselföring så är det klippt) Hahahaah!! Ha det! Kramiz!
