Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Obedience Class 1 Completed!

Everybody must pee pee. Right?!

Jay and I are fresh back from our last Obedience Class, and the Baby Blue behaved perfectly. Our instructor even told me today: “you should breed James, considering his amazing temperament and his good looks”. Hihihi...Well, there would be a high risk for the puppies to get ADD in that case. =)

This morning our thesis was due to our supervisor and to the other "thesis students" in our group. We are preparing for our first defence meet coming up on Friday. This means that the next couple of days will be spent reading and critiquing someone else's paper. I am a little bit nervous considering the whole semester has gone by and no one has given us any feeback on our work. It is not suppose to be like this, we should have had defence meets throughout the entire semester but our supervisor has been freakn' lazy I guess. I just hope we will do well on Friday, and that we can get lots of feedback. Because, the examiner at our Examination Defence (on June 4th) is suppose to be some hot shot professor from another university. Scaaaary!!!! Below is the diploma for the completion of Jay's Obedience Class, another one to add to the stack. =)

1 comment:

  1. Hallå Lina! När skolan är klar för denna termin så ska jag hoppa jämfota av glädje, då är det sommarlov! Eller, typ i alla fall, jobb för mig och plugg för dig, men ändå! Ha're gött!
