Sunday, May 31, 2009

Mother's Day!

It's Mother's Day in Sweden today, so to all the Moms (whether you live in Sweden or not), we wish you a wonderful day!
Special wishes to my MOM & to Mr. L's MOM of course!!!
ps. Our moms actually have the same name... fun huh?! ;)


  1. Kanske kan bli en mycket lukrativ affärsidé att starta vargsafari? Kombinerat med cykelbingo kanske? :) Hoppas ni har haft en skön helg! Kram

  2. Happy Mothers Day! (Sorry it's a late greeting, oops!)
    Hope you had a lovely day and were spoiled rotten :o)
    Slobbers xx

  3. The same name....that is great! :) Makes it easy to remember. :)
