Thursday, January 22, 2009

Play... & work.

We had fun in the park/forest this morning - both babies had a blast.
Tonight, it was time for weight pull training inside. It was great! I loved not having to stand outside in the cold.. and the dark. We began with a drag weight walk as always, followed by weight pulling inside. It was a whole bunch of people there tonight including my parents. They wanted to see their grandson LIVE in action ... haha...I'm sure they are proud of the blue baby. ;)


  1. Ska man ha en amstaff måste ju önskan om att han eller hon ska vara stålgrå stå högst. För då är de ju absolut vackrast! Du är med andra ord lyckligt lottad med din betonggris. Ja den fina rottisen med såklart... men bullterrierraser ligger mig varmt om hjärtat.

    Tack snälla Lina för alla ord, tjejerna & jag skickar en massa varma kramar tillbaka till dig & killarna!


  2. Hi! Glad you haad a fun-filled day :o) Wow, Alih....what a hunk! Such handsome furkids....if you were human you'd be Brad & George!
    Slobbers xx
