Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Play & Drag Weight

It wasn't that cold today, well not cold enough for the extra thick cover to come on. But the T-shirt did. :) The first thing Mr. L said when I let James out of the car was "But James -you forgot your pants at home!!!"... LOL. It sounded so funny 'cause it came straight out the blue. Hey I know another guy who doesn't wear pants either - ........Mr. Donald Duck. ;)

We started off by taking a shorter walk for James to play and run off some energy. After about 30 min we were back at the car. I hooked Jay up to the WP harness and the chain for some drag weight training. We took a long walk and Jay was happy and content by the time we were done.

My old son (a.k.a. Alih) is coming home tonight... can't wait for that old baby to come home so I can kiss and kiss and kiss him. :)

Below are some pics from this morning.

Above: "You want a piece of my toy huh???.. " :)

Above: A flying James ...

Above: Loves to run...

Above: Drag Weight training...Jay is wearing the cover underneath. It sort of got a bit cold after all. Gotta stay warm at all times. ;)

Above: Having fun while working...


  1. I am in awe....your photos are so beautiful, lovely frosty pics, pretty portraits and great action shots, just lovely!
    Slobbers xx

  2. Wow...you are strong James! I am impressed!

