A pic of Jay from yesterday - Dec 24, 2008
James had a busy Xmas Day. Mr. L and I took the dogs for a walk in the forest this morning. They were both running around acting crazy, having a fabulous time. Even old man Alih was in the mood for some play time. ;) I also laid 2 tracks. Mr. L had to hold on to the dogs as they badly wanted to follow me. :). After the walk we dropped Alih off and took Jay for a long drag weight walk. Having him pull a chain is excellent training.
When we came home my dad brought out an old dog sleigh we have. Jay began by pulling my dad, and after a few pulls, I forced my mom to get in to the sleigh too… So Jayness was pulling both my mom and dad at the same time. :) It was a sight, believe me! hihi.. James had to work hard to get the sleigh going, but once it was in motion it was not particularly heavy for him. Even Alih got to pull the sleigh a little bit, obviously with no weight but he loves to work or he will easily feel left out. I don’t blame the old Tiger. ;) He was so proud as he walked around with the sleigh.. hihi… I doubt he even felt it behind him but proud he was. :)
After the “WP session” my parents, Jay and I went back to out to the forest where I had Jay do the 2 tracks. Alih & Mr. L stayed at home. They are both old and get tired easily. hahahaha...
Jay has not tracked in a long time so the tracks were fairly short. He didn't stay exactly in the track but he did really good, especially the 2nd track. He was dead on and found the ball I had hidden in the end in no time. What I also noticed was that he didn’t track fully as fast as he usually does, I guess he was somewhat tired after the walks & the WP training which was good ‘cause it made him more meticulous. I will most likely lay some more tracks tomorrow.. some longer ones, and I will also have Alih come along to track.
My young & wild baby has been pooped for the rest of the day... went for a walk this evening and it's starting to get a little cold (- 8 degrees Celsius = 17 degrees Fahrenheit) so his cover had to come on. Alih is always hot no matter what so he thinks James looks like a lady with that "thing" on. lol.
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