Friday, December 26, 2008

Tracking & Obedience on Boxing Day

Nothing much has happened today other than having been out with the dogs in the forest again. I laid 1 track and my dad laid 2 tracks. When we came back from the walk, Jay and I did some obedience training. Considering the obedience training has been on hold for awhile, I have to say he did really well. I used his tug-of war-toy as a motivator the whole time though (a little cheating). His position may not have been the best at all times, but overall, he did great.

Someone asked me if I always speak English to the dogs, and I do. We do. However, when it comes to obedience training, I made a conscious decision to use Swedish commands with James, considering we live in Sweden and we only train with Swedes. Other than that, James is a native English speaker just like Alih even though Jay was born in Sweden. :) You should hear how it sounds at training sometimes - commands in Swedish and everything else in English. A real nice, confusing mix. It's called SWINGLISH. lol.

James and I came back home a short while ago. We went back out to the forest and did all 3 tracks. My plan was to bring Alih along for one track but I ended up leaving him at home since he was deep asleep when we left. Hihi… Jay took the first 2 tracks quite easy, but on the last track he got lost for a short while. This was one of the tracks my dad had laid, so I did not know myself where the track was… I had to trust James to do his work and eventually he found his toy. It’s real easy to start interfering when they track, but the best thing is to let them do their own thing… ‘cause they will find the end in due time.

My mom actually filmed James and I as we did obedience, unfortunately we used Mr. L's camera and he left the cord at home so I cannot download it. :( Oh well. Maybe another time.

Time to eat (like we haven't eaten enough during this Xmas Holiday!!!) ;)

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