Wednesday, December 31, 2008


We wish everybody a fabulous New Year's Eve... and a wonderful 2009!!!


Tuesday, December 30, 2008

School Crap

My folks, Mr. L and James left the country Sunday night, since then Alih and I have been by ourselves. I stayed due to having so much school work, thus needing some alone time in order to focus on what's important. I cannot even begin to explain how tired I am of this… I have SOOOO much crap left to do (except for this paper I have 2 more research papers to do...) and there’s only a few weeks left of the semester. Oh My

Right now I’m working on the Brand Management home exam. I am to make a marketing plan for the launch of Ryan Air’s luxury service between Sweden and the States. This would normally be interesting, but due to being so sick and tired of school ----- it F%/#*/F% sucks!!!!

I did get a break from it last night though, when team Hazelhill along with Gonzo The Rottie came over for a visit - they brought along some food too. Me like! ;) Alih and Gonzo had a good time together, they are both at that age where playing is mostly viewed as childish, but childish they were ... especially my son. He bounced around acting as if he was back to being 1 or 2 years old again. However, he mostly looked like a very cute, but somewhat overweight bear. lol.

Sometime after 9 P.M. last night, I decided I was deserving of a movie, having studied all day long. Said and done, I got in the car and came back with a movie called Mad Money (with Queen Latifah, Katie Holmes and Diane Keaton). It was entertaining which is all I’m asking for. I need entertainment when I spend the rest of the damn time analyzing and analyzing and analyzing every darn marketing move previous companies have made and what decisions I need to make in my marketing plan for Ryan Air. Sounds like fun eh? ..mmm, very.

Anyhow, moving along.

This morning, while Alih and I were out walking in the forest, my beloved James was at the vet. His eyes became really red over the Xmas Holiday and at times there was also a not-so-nice discharge. I don’t like sending any of my boys off to the vet without me being with them, but I felt I had no choice today and considering it was nothing major... I decided to have some faith in Mr. L. ;) The baby got a shot and some eye drops, and hopefully he’ll be as good as new in no time. :)

Now, back to Ryan Air's marketing plan.

Ciao Bella!

Saturday, December 27, 2008

No, I don't wanna be sick...

I stayed up late last night, it was probably around 3 A.M by the time I closed my eyes. I could not sleep so I made myself comfortable in bed (Mr. L sleeping right next to me but not hearing a thing) with my laptop in the lap and with the Sex & the City movie running. Yeeees! Now we're talking! ;) I fell asleep with a smile on my face.

Unfortunately, the smile was all gone by the time I woke up. My throat & ears were hurting, I had a headache and an itchy runny nose. :( We were supposed to meet the Hazelhill team at 10 A.M. for a walk but ended up cancelling it. Mr. L & my Dad took care of the dogs instead. By the time they were back the sun had managed to come out so I just had to go out and take some pics. I probably should have stayed inside considering I feel like crap now.

Once the photo session was over, Jay and I did some obedience again. He's really good, it's like he needed the break to let it all sink in. I love it! We worked on heel free (fritt följ), moving down (läggande under gång), recall (inkallning), moving stand (stående under gång). He also got a chance to do a little search - boy does he love that. His tail wags like crazy while he's working... and he works and works and works.. hihi.

I also did some heel with Alih - of course - the old baby needs to feel good about himself too and he was so happy and content.
Here are some pics:

My grandpa is visiting today... we're stuffing our faces with even more Xmas food. I will explode soon, I swear. ;)
Not feeling too good, it sucks that I feel worse now than when I woke up this morning. It's not going in the right direction. I hate being sick!!! (well who doesn't?) Maybe it's time for a nap 'cause tomorrow I will be FINE. You watch. ;) I don't have time to be sick, I have way too much school work for that. Yes, school work ... we don't have Xmas breaks at the Swedish Universities... the fall semester does not end until the middle of January. So not until the 19th of January am I done with my 2-Year Master's Degree in Business Administration (majoring in Management, Leadership, Organization & Marketing). Cannot wait!!!

Sleepy Heads

Friday, December 26, 2008

Tracking & Obedience on Boxing Day

Nothing much has happened today other than having been out with the dogs in the forest again. I laid 1 track and my dad laid 2 tracks. When we came back from the walk, Jay and I did some obedience training. Considering the obedience training has been on hold for awhile, I have to say he did really well. I used his tug-of war-toy as a motivator the whole time though (a little cheating). His position may not have been the best at all times, but overall, he did great.

Someone asked me if I always speak English to the dogs, and I do. We do. However, when it comes to obedience training, I made a conscious decision to use Swedish commands with James, considering we live in Sweden and we only train with Swedes. Other than that, James is a native English speaker just like Alih even though Jay was born in Sweden. :) You should hear how it sounds at training sometimes - commands in Swedish and everything else in English. A real nice, confusing mix. It's called SWINGLISH. lol.

James and I came back home a short while ago. We went back out to the forest and did all 3 tracks. My plan was to bring Alih along for one track but I ended up leaving him at home since he was deep asleep when we left. Hihi… Jay took the first 2 tracks quite easy, but on the last track he got lost for a short while. This was one of the tracks my dad had laid, so I did not know myself where the track was… I had to trust James to do his work and eventually he found his toy. It’s real easy to start interfering when they track, but the best thing is to let them do their own thing… ‘cause they will find the end in due time.

My mom actually filmed James and I as we did obedience, unfortunately we used Mr. L's camera and he left the cord at home so I cannot download it. :( Oh well. Maybe another time.

Time to eat (like we haven't eaten enough during this Xmas Holiday!!!) ;)

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Working on Xmas Day

A pic of Jay from yesterday - Dec 24, 2008

James had a busy Xmas Day. Mr. L and I took the dogs for a walk in the forest this morning. They were both running around acting crazy, having a fabulous time. Even old man Alih was in the mood for some play time. ;) I also laid 2 tracks. Mr. L had to hold on to the dogs as they badly wanted to follow me. :). After the walk we dropped Alih off and took Jay for a long drag weight walk. Having him pull a chain is excellent training.

When we came home my dad brought out an old dog sleigh we have. Jay began by pulling my dad, and after a few pulls, I forced my mom to get in to the sleigh too… So Jayness was pulling both my mom and dad at the same time. :) It was a sight, believe me! hihi.. James had to work hard to get the sleigh going, but once it was in motion it was not particularly heavy for him. Even Alih got to pull the sleigh a little bit, obviously with no weight but he loves to work or he will easily feel left out. I don’t blame the old Tiger. ;) He was so proud as he walked around with the sleigh.. hihi… I doubt he even felt it behind him but proud he was. :)

After the “WP session” my parents, Jay and I went back to out to the forest where I had Jay do the 2 tracks. Alih & Mr. L stayed at home. They are both old and get tired easily. hahahaha...

Jay has not tracked in a long time so the tracks were fairly short. He didn't stay exactly in the track but he did really good, especially the 2nd track. He was dead on and found the ball I had hidden in the end in no time. What I also noticed was that he didn’t track fully as fast as he usually does, I guess he was somewhat tired after the walks & the WP training which was good ‘cause it made him more meticulous. I will most likely lay some more tracks tomorrow.. some longer ones, and I will also have Alih come along to track.

My young & wild baby has been pooped for the rest of the day... went for a walk this evening and it's starting to get a little cold (- 8 degrees Celsius = 17 degrees Fahrenheit) so his cover had to come on. Alih is always hot no matter what so he thinks James looks like a lady with that "thing" on. lol.

A collage from Christmas Eve

Above: My grandma & mom. Also, some yummy Xmas food. ;)

Above: Mr L. & my Dad

Above: Jay opening up his Xmas gifts.

Above: Alih sure knows how to open up gifts... in no time. ;)

Above: Can a baby be any cuter than this??!! J

A Lovely Christmas

We had a nice X-mas. In Sweden we celebrate and exchange gifts on the 24th of December, on Christmas Eve in other words, so our BIG day was yesterday.

It began with our regular tradition which means breakfast at our cousins. The boys are so big now, that there is no Santa Claus coming any longer.. hihi.. In the afternoon my grandparents came over to us (meaning my parents house). My mom had cooked and prepared lots of delicious Xmas food. After dinner it was time for the exchanging of the gifts. The dogs loved opening up their gifts. :)

Since we don't celebrate Xmas with any extended family, our Xmas has always been very nice and relaxed.. no stress involved.

Mr. L's family is obviously celebrating Xmas today in New York City. We just spoke to them, and gifts had already been exchanged & opened up. ;) We wish you a continued fabulous Xmas Day. Same goes to everybody else (friends and others) in the United States ...

XOXO from Sweden.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Christmas Greetings

Best Wishes - XOXO
- l.e.w., Mr. L, Alih & James

... ho, ho,ho...

A Chuckle

Alih had a good time while taking pics this morning - he had a serious X-mas chuckle. ;)

X-mas Pics

Our boys came home this morning around 7 A.M. all happy & crazy. We went to the park a little later on to take some X-mas pics, and here's a selection of what we got. :) The babies are as handsome as can be in their bow-ties... hihi...

Next up, CLEANING!!! Tomorrow, X-mas gift shopping. ;) No worries, we got lots and lots of time. lol.

Miss him

Ior went home today. We miss the cute little man....:(

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Movie Recommendation

We watched Rendition (på svenska: Utlämnad) tonight, a really good movie. There are some big names in it too - Jake Gyllenhaal, Reese Witherspoon, Merryl Streep and more. I can warmly recommend it.

Time to watch Evander Holyfield fight some big old Russian dude. Can you believe that Holyfield is born 1962? ....and still fights... and looks great, I may add. It's quite impressive.

A Clip from the Pit Bull Rescue in California

For the people who haven't seen how it actually looked at the Pit Pull Rescue (just north of LA) after the snow storm had hit, take a look here.

ps. be patient, it begins with a short commerical.

Something I hate

You wanna know something I really hate?

I hate that it’s almost standard procedure for Mr. L to fall asleep on top of the bed, without having removed the bed cover. He thinks, I guess, that he’s just gonna lay down and watch some TV but it never fails. He falls asleep. So when it’s time for me to go to bed, I have to semi-wake him up (and he always has some bewildered look in his eye) in hope of being able to roll him over to the side (once to the left, and once to the right) so I can remove the damn cover… and get in bed myself. Ever tried moving 95-100kg (210-220 lbs) of dead weight? You get the pic, right?! ;)

I mean, how hard is it to actually remove a bed cover? You would think that with time, one would learn … considering the statistics clearly show that he is going to fall asleep. :)

Anyone care to explain to me, how this actually works?

Friday, December 19, 2008

A Rockin' Night

I mean, who said you have to sit in front of the TV on a Friday night or be out partying... when in fact you can be busy (at 10:45 P.M.) -

A. Vaccuming (like Mr. L)


B. Studying (like me).

This is what I call a Rockin' Night. ;)

We sent our "sons" off to be with their grandparents for the weekend, so the only baby we have at home is Ior. And he has finally fallen asleep. Cute as a button.

An update on the Villalobos Rescue Center

I just got an e-mail from my friend Susanne who lives in Santa Clarita and apparently the worst is over. They've had no snow since Tuesday night, and sunny weather for the last 2 days. In other words, the worst should be over for the dogs at Villalobos. It was even aired on the local news yesterday, which leads me to assume they received lots of help. If unsure if they still need help, please contact the center.


This message is mainly for residents of LA and/or surrounding areas.

I just read on a blog I recently started visiting about Villalobos Rescue Center in Santa Clarita (it's a pit bull rescue) who are experiencing great problems due to the snow and cold weather. Not sure if they still need help, but here's a copy of the message from the blog I visited:

Villalobos the largest pitbull sanctuary in California located in Santa Clarita needs help RIGHT NOW.

There's a bad freeze and snow situation and all the dogs are housed outdoors. The wind is so bad, making the dogs who are normally quite comfortable very cold. The dogs have blankets in their dog houses, but the high winds are blowing snow into their houses. Dogs are are at the risk of dying as I type this email.

They need blankets, trucks (u-hauls, trailers, ANYTHING), crates, supplies and manpower to take dogs or help gather them into a warm place. Please head over there immediately or call the numbers below. Villalobos Rescue Center Santa Clarita, CA 91390 Tia ph# 661 268-0555


Just got an emergency call from Tia Torres in Agua Dulce. They want to evacuate the dogs from up there. Tia said that they have a foot of snow and they need people who can handle a pit bull to take one or two for the night until the storm passes. She said the dogs are crying and they won't make it through the night. Unfortunately, I am not sure of what roads are open on the 14 fwy which is the only way in there besides a few side roads like Sierra Highway.

Here's her telephone number: 661.268.0555.

***End of message***

For anyone who doesn't know, we got our beloved Carlos from the LA Rottweiler Rescue. All the different rescues are run by some amazingly devoted people. With that said, there may be other rescues effected by this cold weather too, who are in need of help.

Please lend a helping hand if you can...

Thursday, December 18, 2008

A Big Hole

James and I went for a nice long walk this morning. On our way back home we passed a park and I felt like doing a little obedience with Jay. It’s been weeks since we did any serious obedience training. We did some heel and recall and he was great. The last recall was as good as it possibly can be. Full speed towards me, in on the right side, around me, super duper close to my legs, and bam.. positioned himself in a perfect sit on my left side. EXCELLENT! I still have him come in on my right side, the way they did back in the days instead of the way most people (in Sweden) do today, having the dog both come in and sit down on the left side. I’m sticking to the old way for no other reason than that I really like it, and apparently the old way is still accepted at obedience trials… so … I just love the way it looks…

I made the mistake of getting really happy after the last recall, and I used my voice to show James how content I was with him. BIG MISTAKE! Having a dog with ADHD you don’t want to sound too happy… ever.. .or you’ll have a dog that bounces all over you. James bounced up on me (mud all over me!), wanting something to latch on to (I didn’t have his tug-of-war toy with me) so I used the leash for some tug-of-war. He bounced back up on me again to get the leash, and this time he tore a big hole in my pants (with his paw). Crap! I so loved my pants…so freakn' comfortable.:) Oh well, it was my own fault for getting him so worked up. When I got home it looked like I had been rolling around on a mud field as dirty as I was + a big hole on my right thigh. Pretty! ;)

Why do I always have to get so dirty? It never fails, I’m always the person to get the most dirty. At WP training I am always dirty when I get home, to me it never looks like anyone else is particularly dirty. Obviously it doesn’t help having a bouncing dog, but still… How the heck do I always manage to get so filthy? Hmmmmmm….

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

I love my brother

Ior is going home on Sunday, let's see what James says about that. The 2 of them have totally connected and truly love each other. We'll see how we feel about it as well... the little man is adorable and one can't help but fall in love with him.

Below is James' bed that's about to get trashed. There is almost no foam left in the "mattress". :) I got him a new bed today, hopefully he'll leave that one alone as far as destroying it goes. Hm, well we'll see about that.

Now, dogs are not allowed up on the coach but apparently James said "screw it" when Ior got up there like it was the most natural thing in the world. lol. The Bros can't be close enough, gotta have physical contact at all times. :)

Film Clips from James' MH

I just downloaded a bunch of pics and clips from Mr. L's camera and found several recordings from James' mental description test that was done back in September.

Below: "the Chase"

Below: "The Ghosts"

Below: Play after the ghosts

Below: "Shots Fired"

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Adam Walsh case solved

Have you ever watched the show America's Most Wanted? If you have, you know who the host is, John Walsh. His son, Adam, was brutally murdered in 1981. Today- finally - did the case get solved. I was just a kid when I learned about this story, I never could forget about it.

Here's the full story.

Press conference held by John Walsh

Great cities to visit

According to Brooklyn (NY), Providence (RI), and Pasadena (CA) are great cities to live in but not so great to visit apparently.

I’m not surprised about Brooklyn considering it is such a rich cultural “neighborhood” … at the same time, as a visitor/tourist it might be difficult to find all these great places to visit and see. Unless being shown around by people who live there (Mr. L’s family live there).

I have been to Pasadena several times and I love it. It’s right outside the city of LA, even though it feels like it’s far away due to the atmosphere being completely different. It is a super nice place that has a small town feel even though it has lots of great restaurants and stores like any big city.

It’s sort of funny that Providence was on the list too, considering I’ve always had in my mind that it would be great to live there. It seems I was right. ;)

Monday, December 15, 2008


Mr. L took Jay for a long walk this morning before he headed off for school, while Ior and I stayed in bed. ;) He’s such a sweet puppy. When Jay came back he jumped up in bed with us and we continued to sleep a little longer. I must have slept really bad last night ‘cause my neck is as stiff as can be and I have a horrible headache.

I have lots of school work to do and I need to clean, but so far I have not done any of that. I started some laundry though and I taught Ior the down command (ligg). It took a little while before he finally got it, but I think he knows what it means now. ;)

I did some dumbbell training with James. All obedience training has been on the down for a while... the crappy weather and maybe too much obedience training before made me want a break from it for awhile. However, this morning it felt like lots of fun again. Should start working on some of the exercises we can do inside at least. Like the dumbbell for example.

James is such a proud old bro to Ior. I cannot believe he’s so nice to him, Ior will walk all over James when he’s sleeping and he doesn't even say a word. I never would have guessed that this would have been Jay's reaction to a puppy. Right now they are curled up together on the bed. :)

A flying shoe...

I'm so sorry but I couldn't help but laugh when I saw this.... come on, admit it... it's a little bit funny... lol. And damn, President Bush dodged that shoe pretty fast... ;) I'm impressed, I had no clue he had such reflexes. lol.

Saturday, December 13, 2008


It's a Winter Wonderland...

Above: Must be safe at all times so the reflex vest had to come on before heading out in the city traffic.

Above: 2 brothers kicking it...

Above: More brotherly love... playing & sleeping together. :)

Bye Bye from the Brothers :)

An Angel

.We are currently baby-sitting James' half-brother Ior, and he's just like an angel. Seriously. I'm wondering though - what happened to our son??? Why has he never been like an angel? He's always been like a monster instead. :) But due to having a baby to care for, Jay has been forced to grow up. It was somewhat of a rough start though, Jay could not relax at all.. had to keep an eye on Ior the whole time. However, it's getting better and better. :)

We had WP training this morning and both Mr. L and Ior came along. I always try to get there early, to walk James before everybody else show up, and James and Ior had a blast running around chasing each other in the snow this morning. When the training started, Mr. L and Ior got in the car... James was hard at work, he actually got a chance to pull several heavy chains for a short while. The baby is strong and he needs more of a challenge. The 8,5 kg chain (approx. 19lbs) he pulls on our walks, is nothing for him anymore. However, I'm laying a little low until we have the results back from his X-rays.

Alih is in the country, he left Thursday evening so he has not met Ior yet. But he will, and considering how calm Ior is, I'm sure Alih will like him. As a matter of fact, we are considering driving to the country tomorrow, for the day only, so Alih can say hi to Ior... and so my grandparents get to meet Ior too. And my mom fell for Ior completely so she wants us to come up, even though she'll be back in the city by Monday.. hihi..

Friday, December 12, 2008

The Swedish Idol

The Swedish Idol has a winner - Kevin Borg. He's an amazing singer and performer... he's already a pro as far as I am concerned. He is, and has always been, in a whole different league than the other contestants.

Here he is, singing the song written specifically for the winner (in other words, the song written for him) - With every bit of me...

He did an excellent job singing Nelly's song "It's getting hot in here". Not a song one would expect him to do well with, but he has continued to prove he can do just about anything.

Kevin singing - It's getting hot in here.

Oh and one of my favorites - Leona Lewis. She was a guest on the Idol show last week. She's awesome.. She sang Forgive Me.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008


My young son got his hips and elbows X-rayed today. It went well, all we have to do now is await the results. Let's cross our fingers!

We are gonna pick up Jay's half brother tomorrow, we'll be baby-sitting him for awhile.... very exciting. ;)

Also, CONGRATULATIONS to kennel Stand Strong!! Puppies have arrived - 7 boys and 1 girl. Visit their website and you can see pics of the very adorable puppies. :)

Below is a more recent pic of Jay's half brother. Adorable or what????!!!!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

A stolen car

The fact that my stolen passport resurfaced got me thinking of when we had one of our cars stolen. We lived in a pretty nice neighborhood which doesn’t mean a whole lot when living in a city like LA. Crime happens everywhere. Considering Mr. L worked as a cop we always had guns in our house. Our beloved Carlos was an excellent guard dog and would always let us know if something was happening outside the house. It was not too uncommon for him to get up in the middle of the night and bark if something was taking place outside our house or in the vicinity. Mr. L would then always grab one of his guns, tell me to stay put in the bedroom and keep my mouth shut, while he would get up and check things out.. sometimes he would even go outside and check around the house and the cars.

The night when the Mustang was stolen, Carlos got up and walked over to the front door. He never barked, only growled. Mr. L asked him “what’s up Carlos?”… but Carlos came straight back in to the bedroom and went back to bed. This night Mr. L was so damn tired that he never got up, and since Carlos had came straight back to bed he figured it must not have been anything.

Unknowing he got up the next morning like always to leave for work around 6 A.M. (the dogs and I would not get up until 6:30 A.M.). He left, but after only a few minutes someone was knocking on the door. I was like “now what?!”… I crawled my tired ass out of bed, put on my robe, and opened the door. It was Mr. L and he said “they stole the car”… I couldn’t believe it!!! So Hot Shot (that would be me) got out, walked down to the road, looked in both directions, turned around and said… “yup, they took the car”… hahaha.. Now, it sounds so damn funny, what was I thinking… that the car was hiding somewhere??!… lol… Oh man…

Only a few days later, I believe it was, the car was found. It seems the bastards only wanted it for a joyride… a sports car with a V8 engine.. I’m sure they had a blast. ;)

The weird thing is, Carlos' actions that night was different compared to how he used to be. But maybe things happened for a reason, ‘cause I have a hard time believing that the car thieves would have been unarmed. You never know how it would have ended had Mr. L gone out and confronted them with a gun… I’m sure they would have fired right back at his ass.

Maybe Carlos knew… maybe he sensed it was better to come back to bed ‘cause normally nothing would have stopped him - he was a true guard dog. It was some sort of higher power stepping in. And I believe the same thing happened when my passport was stolen in Brussels. It could have gone really bad…. but due to “the circumstances” we walked out of there with only a lost passport. Amen ;)

My passport

My Swedish passport was stolen in Brussels, Belgium in the summer of 2007 when on vacation there. Today, they called from the Swedish Embassy in Brussels letting me know they had received my passport. Better now than never..;) On a more serious note, it does feels good it came back so no one was flying around the world using it.. if at all possible, considering I reported it stolen both with the police in Belgium as well as with the police in Sweden right after it happened. Little did the bastards (=thieves) know though I have an American passport too... hahahahahaha...

Sunday, December 7, 2008

HUND 2008

The Stockholm Dog Show was held today. We decided in the last minute to leave 30 min earlier than originally planned (so we left at 6 A.M.)... which meant that at 4:50 A.M. my alarm clock went off. Wakey, wakey - Rise and Shine...:)

I never finished my school paper yesterday (what a surprise!!!) so I had to finish it tonight once we got home. I sent it in about 20 min ago, with about 40 min to spare before the deadline. hihi.. Typical!

Anyhow, so the show today was a disappointment for reasons I don't care to discuss on the blog. However, Gabbi and Vilma did great. They won their group and received an HP prize. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!

James received a red ribbon (quality 1) but he came 5th in the competition (the reserve spot). James was not completely focused in the ring, but that's not why I am unhappy ... but oh well. Shit happens!

I still had fun though, I met my "old" friend Jennie and her daughter at the show. They were there showing their Golden Retriever Bamse - and Bamse did great. Congratulations!!! I also met the owner of Jay's brother Lucas. Lucas should have been shown today but ended up getting sick in the last minute... too bad! We also got to meet Atlas (Jay's other bro) and his family .. and we obviously got to spend some quality time with Gabbi too. Oh and we met Jenny, Ewa and Dundra ... Dundra did great (1kv, 3kk with CK I think). Congrats!!!!
So we met lots of nice people!!!!!

Several people came up to James while we were waiting to enter the ring, they thought he was so pretty, they wanted to say hi to him and take pics of him. So even though the judge didn't particularly care for him, other people did. My Blue Thunder ... hihi...

Here's James critic (in Swedish):
Maskulin hanhund, huvud med bra proportioner. Något knapp underkäke, välformade ögon, välansatta men något stora öron. Stark hals, (tror det står) kort överlinje, bra ansatt svans, goda vinklar bak, knappa fram, goda rörelser från sidan.

In English:
Masculine male dog, head/skull with good proportions. Somewhat short under jaw, Well-shaped eyes, Well-placed but somewhat big ears, strong neck, (I think it says) short top line, Well-carried tail, Good angles back, narrow in the front, good movements from the side.

The judge was Patrik Cederlöf.

Above: Here's James and I.

Above: The first pic is of Atlas (Jay's bro) and the 2nd pic is of Jennie's dog Bamse. Sooo cute!

Above: Gabbi and Vilma at the "Winner's Podium" on pic one. :)