Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Not part of the plan

My weekend did not turn out the way it was planned. I got the stomach flu Saturday night / Sunday morning (vomiting and crapping). Damn I was sick, it’s been years since I was sick like this. I never left the bathroom, instead I curled up like a ball on the floor in-between crapping and puking. Ah, it was horrible!

James and I were scheduled to go to another handler class on Sunday but I was too weak to go… It really sucked ‘cause I had been so looking forward to it. But not much to do about that...

I don’t think I’ve mentioned that James has an appointment to get his hips & elbows X-rayed (Hd/Ad röntgen) on December the 10th. I’m a little nervous considering my boy has to be sedated but also for the results… what will they say? Obviously I won’t know the results right away, but I truly believe he will have excellent hips & elbows. Now, that’s just a hunch I have, but I have been wrong before. :) I’m crossing my fingers & toes though …

Jayness got his much anticipated WP harness one or two weeks ago. It looks good, however, it’s slightly big. Last night we purchased a chain so we won’t have to borrow that all the time … and this also means we can train drag weight with him whenever we feel like it. Excellent!

My old fabulous boy Alih, is doing good. No more problems with his back leg – knock on wood… Ah, Thank God!

Anyhow, it is time to study…

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