Friday, November 7, 2008

He scared us

Yesterday, in the late afternoon, Alih went in to the bedroom but came back out quite fast. I heard Mr. L say: "What's wrong Alih?"

The old man could barley put down his back leg. :( I was thinking the worst right away. Mr. L and I got scared shit less. When I later on took Alih for a short walk he was able to put it down at least, but as soon as we came back in, he held the leg up. We still have a lot of medication left from Carlos, this is also the same type of medication Alih was given after his surgery, so we gave him some last night. And this morning - THANK THE LORD - he seemed fine. He must have just pulled something when he was trying to get up... We still gave him another pill this morning and I will continue to do so for the next few days. I spoke to Alih's vet a while back about starting Alih on this medication on a permanent basis (since he's so stiff and he has a front leg that bothers him at times) and the vet said to hold off as long as possible but when we felt it was time.. to come back to him and he would prescribe us more. I think it may be time for that. :(

We are going to the country this weekend, leaving in a short while. We should have left last night, but decided to wait and see what was going to happen with Alih's back leg in case he would have to go to the vet. James left with my folks early this morning so I'm sure he's having a blast right now, running around and acting like a wild man. :)

Yesterday, James spent the day with my dad and grandpa (Jay's grandpa and great grandpa in other words :)) ...he was out cruising with them, checked out some stores and stuff... hihi.. Oh, and I met my aunt's new family member. A Labrador puppy.. a little girl.. she was absolutely adorable. :)

Anyhow, time to get ready... have a great weekend!


  1. Stavar som en kratta och jag glömde skriva namn, men du förstod kanske att det var Madde som skrev :-))

  2. Ser nu att min första kommentar inte ens blev publicerad haha men det jag skrev var att jag hoppas att Alihs ben blir bra och att det inte är ngt allvarligt. Hälsningar virrpannan Madde

  3. Blev riktigt orolig när jag började läsa inlägget, stackars alih gubben...Kram!

  4. Hej! Waoow vad fiint ni fått det här. Allt bra med er?? kram

  5. Usch, det är inte kul när krämporna kommer för de fyrbenta, det är så lätt att bara tänka på sig själv. Det gjorde nog jag med gamle Chess, han fick nog leva på övertid stackarn...Hoppas att det blir bra iallafall!
    Och du, lycka till på utställningen
    med James!
    Kramar Jennie
