Managed to get sick over night. Woke up and felt so ill, wanted to vomit... :( Fortunatley, I never had to though, but had to make several trips to the bathroom in another errand instead (if you know what I mean?!)... Ah, horrible!!! My stomach is still killing me.
I just e-mailed our research paper to Uni, wanted to read it one last time this morning before sending it in... But now it's done! :) For the rest of the day I will take it easy so my stomach can settle down. Jay & I are scheduled to meet Frida & Beenie this afternoon, and Anna & Aston tonight but I will have to cancel. My stomach is not safe to go anywhere just yet. :( That SUCKS!
James is out walking with his grany (mormor) right now. Mr. L took care of Alih but had to go to school, so I called my mom to see if she had time to help out with Jayness and she did..hihi...and boy, was he wild when they left... LOL. I just hope they both come back in one piece. :) My boy is in a "pain-in-the-ass" phase again, which translates to - wild & crazy all the time.
Hoj! Sorry för the bloggtorka men har haft varken tid eller lust ett tag nu... But I'll be back, snart! :) Hoppas allt e bra med er och att magen stabiliserat sig! Kram!