Friday, October 24, 2008


Yes, it's Friday!!!....

Ah, it's lovely. I really love Friday evenings!!!
We had chicken & sweet potatoes for dinner tonight. Yum!

This morning, Mr. L and I went for a nice long walk with Jay (about 10 km = 6.2 miles)... Jay loved it as he could be off leash for almost half the walk. The Wild Crazy Baby was running around chasing mice (or whatever he thought he could hear under ground), digging and acting crazy and just having a blast... His face was totally dirty when we finally made it home. :)

We have WP training on the schedule tomorrow morning. I'm really looking forward to that, hopefully the weather will be on our side. I'm gonna try to remember to bring along the camera. Would be fun with some pics...

Now, back to enjoying the evening. Ciao!

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