Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!

I would like to wish everybody - HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!

Mr. L & I are going home to a Canadian couple for dinner tonight - a tame Halloween Party in other words. :) I'm really looking forward to it though - she's a psychologist and he's some hot shot at Atlas Copco I believe... super nice folks, I liked them immediately. He's actually Swedish but has lived in Canada for many, many years. We know them thanks to she and Mr. L studying Swedish together. Not to mention, I am really looking forward to a home cooked meal. :)

When we were at their house the first time, she had been baking and preparing all kinds of yummy eatable stuff ... and she was so nervous for having a Swedish woman come to her house. When I heard that, I was like "why?"... and her answer was "well, all Swedish women know how to cook, they are excellent in the kitchen". I could calm her down PRETTY FAST by saying "well that may apply to some Swedes, but not this one... if it means I'm too much American, I don't know.. but I sure as heck can't do anything in the kitchen". And you know what - I don't care! I was not born to slave around in some damn kitchen - at least that's my take on it. :) I have a man who can cook, unfortunately he doesn't cook often enough as far as I'm concerned (damn it!) :)). The fact that women should all be cooking (the way it often is here in Sweden) is old fashioned to me. Yup, you heard me! :)

Anyhow, it started snowing last night, but it's still a little bit too warm outside so the snow melts as soon as it hits the ground. My friend Miss Hazel Girl who lives an hour north of us has gotten some snow that didn't melt. An hour by car is enough for the weather to be quite different at times. Check out how it looks outside her house by clicking here. And yes, she really lives in the middle of the forrest. :) Then again, it's the same thing in LA, by just driving 2 hours you'll be in Big Bear with lots of snow but that's on a much higher altitude though. Anyhow...

Our lazy butts did not wake up until 9:50 A.M. this morning .That is REALLY late for us. It probably happens once a year, if that. I woke up with Jay right next to me, he was in the middle of the bed between Mr. L & I, while Alih was snorting his butt away on his bed... hahahaha.. I don't know why we were all so tired today! :)

Happy Halloween!!!!!!
Wishing you all a fabulous evening & weekend!!!!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Seems I got a "fake" fall break this week. There is nothing in school I have to do -WONDERFUL! ... so I decided to officially make it a vacation week. :) Squeezed in some movie time yesterday - I watched 3 movies ..hihi...I have not watched any movies in so long, so I have lots of catching up to do.

The WP training tonight was a success. James did really well... I'm proud over my little wild baby. On our way home from training, we picked up the old fabulous baby. He came from the country but he's back home now. Yummy Man! We have already exchanged LOTS of kisses. :)

Gotta watch what's left of Grey's Anatomy. Ciao!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Holy Moly

James has been entered into Hund 2008 (held in Stockholm in the beginning of December)... it's a really BIG Dog Show... And I will have to show him myself... SCARED!!! Pardon my French, but I will crap my pants... lol. Gabbi & I will go together since Vilma (her doggie) has been entered as well. I will be super nervous but it will be lots of fun too! James brother Atlas will be shown and Jay's breeder is coming with a couple of her dogs... so it will be fun, fun! It's also the first time James is being shown in the Intermediate class (unghundsklassen).

Thank God the judge who held the handler class last weekend, will have another training day in the beginning of November. Guess who's going.... :)

The End of Summer Time

No one told me summer time ended today... Usually you hear it all over - "Don't forget to change your clocks tonight"... But not this time around. It took me a few minutes to figure out WHY I had a different time on my laptop compared to my watch. :)

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Pics from WP Training

I actually remembered to bring the camera to training this morning, so I finally got some pics. Jay still has to borrow a harness and today he borrowed it from a dalmatian so it was a little bit too big for him but it still worked... I thought Jay did really well, actually all the dogs that pulled today did great! It's contagious I guess. :)

Above: Work it, work it, work it!!! ... Such a strong baby, eh! :)

Above: Here he's pulling approx. 200kg (=440 lbs). The cart weighs about 50kg (= 110lbs) and each weight weights about 50kg. That's as heavy as we have ever gone with him considering he's still just a young man. On the 2nd pic, the baby is looking his normal cute self while having to wait in-between pulls.

Above: The first pic is of Bosse the Bullterrier, and the 2nd pic is of Stig-Helmer the English Staff. They are brothers (i.e. they come from the same household) thus having matching harnesses. :)

Above: Normally 2 members of the training crew but today they decided to observe instead. :)

Friday, October 24, 2008

14 months

The Blue Baby is 14 months today! :) But not a grown man just yet... he's more like a troubled teenager. :)

Almost time to Vote!


Honestly, I would never vote for the republican party as they represent something I truly don't believe in.

A Sex Freak

... and I'm not talking about Mr. L. :) It's my young boy I'm referring to. He more or less rapes his bed every night (if he's given the opportunity), he aggressively licks both me and Mr. L if he gets a chance.

The boy has hormones raging through his body, and has had for some time now... so a few more nicknames have been added to his list: The King of Sex and the Rapist (as Mr. L calls him :)).


Yes, it's Friday!!!....

Ah, it's lovely. I really love Friday evenings!!!
We had chicken & sweet potatoes for dinner tonight. Yum!

This morning, Mr. L and I went for a nice long walk with Jay (about 10 km = 6.2 miles)... Jay loved it as he could be off leash for almost half the walk. The Wild Crazy Baby was running around chasing mice (or whatever he thought he could hear under ground), digging and acting crazy and just having a blast... His face was totally dirty when we finally made it home. :)

We have WP training on the schedule tomorrow morning. I'm really looking forward to that, hopefully the weather will be on our side. I'm gonna try to remember to bring along the camera. Would be fun with some pics...

Now, back to enjoying the evening. Ciao!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Obedience w. Jay & Great News From Friends...

Jay and I trained obedience both tonight and last Monday night with Anna & Aston at the Dog Club. We always work on the heel command, did some recall, jump over hurdle etc. Tonight Jay was quite alert I thought..He’s getting better and better! But we are far behind some of the dogs at the club.. hihi.. it was quite a lot of dogs there tonight and some of them are sooooo damn good. It’s fun just sitting there watching them, also very inspiring!

Got some great news from my fabulous friend Paty in LA, she and her man are gonna move up to Mammoth Mountain for a few months during the winter season so they can enjoy LOTS of snowboarding (which they love)… I love people who aren’t afraid of doing something different, and for having the guts to take chances. Cosmo & Eddie will have a fabulous time too.. All the best to you guys while enjoying the Winter Wonderland. :)

Oh, and some more great news. My study partner, Ulrika, got a job! CONGRATULATIONS!!!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

So true..

"Never trust a dog to watch your food." -Patrick, age 10

"There is no psychiatrist in the world like a puppy licking your face." -Bern Williams

Stand Up

I have always loved Stand Up Comedy, and some of my favorite comedians are Katt Williams, Chris Rock and Dave Chapelle. I ALWAYS get a good laugh when watching them. As a young teenager in Sweden, my favorite "Stand Up Guys" were Lenny Norman and Jonas Gardell. :)

My #1 favorite right now is Katt Williams. I love this guy... I could pee my pants when I listen to this crazy dude, as a matter of fact, just looking at him makes me laugh. :)

Below: Dave Chappelle is someone I have loved for a long time, and this scene "a baby in the ghetto" is hilarious... Mr. L & I almost died laughing the first time we heard it...

Below: And who doesn't like Chris Rock... ahhh, soooo funny! He's talking about the Super Bowl incident with Janet Jackson & Justin Timberlake on this clip. :)

Monday, October 20, 2008

...and it's Monday again!

The weekend went by way too fast …as always …but since this weekend was spent at a handler class it went by extra fast. The class was really instructive and I believe we learned a lot. Jayness & I even got some praise for looking really synced together. The judge asked if we practice a lot ‘cause we looked well rehearsed together, we had a strong connection and we looked as a team… lol. Always fun to hear!

And some more bragging ..hihi...Gabbi’s dad who attended the same class with his male Kerry Blue Terrier, said during our lunch break: “well, if I would choose a dog from all the dogs here today, I would want James”… hihihi… I think we have to take that as a compliment. :) The thing is, when Jay is in “the mood” he does look good in the ring, and he really knows how to move...

From one thing to another, my gosh did the judge have us run in the ring...haha...I got some well needed exercise. My freakn' calves are hurting today. lol

But I had some major problems with my boy on Saturday, well Sunday too but it was much better compared to Saturday at least. Gabbi’s dog Vilma was in heat. And OMG was James interested in her. Most of the day, Saturday, I could not get through to him. He was so worked up and whined the entire day. We have practiced stacking a lot, so he could still stack, but I could never connect with him and his head kept turning the whole time. Grrrrrr!!! Sunday, as I said, was much better … Thank God! The last time Jay and Vilma met, he was quite nonchalant towards Vilma… but this weekend, he fell IN LOVE. :) He desperately wanted to reproduce… hahaha….

Anyhow, enough about crazy James. :) Ulrika and I had to critic another group's research paper over the weekend, the deadline was today at 11am. So I got up early today, since I didn't get much done on Saturday evening (as planned) to finish it. This means that the Customer Relationship Management Class is DONE! Yeesssss! Still got the other class going full speed and we have quite a lot to read this week… so I am definitely not out of work. And the Brand Management Class should start next week, or the week after that. So it will be a little less work the next week or two.. looking forward to that.

Jay and I are scheduled to meet Anna & Aston tonight for obedience training at the Dog Club. I just hope the weather will be alright, looks like it could start to rain any minute. Other than that, nothing much is going on around here. Jay and I went for a nice long walk this morning…so he should be content. And I'm planning on parking my ass in front of the TV for a while… before attacking the school literature.

Happy Monday!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Handler Class

We are going to the country & my parents tonight. Their house is situated about 20min from where the handler class will be held, the handler class that Gabbi & I are taking together this weekend. Hopefully it will be fun and we'll learn lots from it. :) Updates to come.

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, October 16, 2008


Managed to get sick over night. Woke up and felt so ill, wanted to vomit... :( Fortunatley, I never had to though, but had to make several trips to the bathroom in another errand instead (if you know what I mean?!)... Ah, horrible!!! My stomach is still killing me.

I just e-mailed our research paper to Uni, wanted to read it one last time this morning before sending it in... But now it's done! :) For the rest of the day I will take it easy so my stomach can settle down. Jay & I are scheduled to meet Frida & Beenie this afternoon, and Anna & Aston tonight but I will have to cancel. My stomach is not safe to go anywhere just yet. :( That SUCKS!

James is out walking with his grany (mormor) right now. Mr. L took care of Alih but had to go to school, so I called my mom to see if she had time to help out with Jayness and she did..hihi...and boy, was he wild when they left... LOL. I just hope they both come back in one piece. :) My boy is in a "pain-in-the-ass" phase again, which translates to - wild & crazy all the time.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


It's my grandma's b-day today.. Talk about lots of b-days huh?!

Time to get ready, I'm gonna meet Karro & Ellen in 30 min. :)

I miss my ..


All I can think about is Carlos, Carlos, Carlos, Carlos, Carlos... :(

Monday, October 13, 2008

Financial Crisis?

Hm, not everyone suffers from the financial crisis apparently. Ever heard of Warren Buffet? He's an American investor, businessman and philanthropist... and also one of the world's most successful investors and the largest shareholder & CEO of Berkshire Hatahway. Still doesn't ring a bell? - how about the richest man in the US!!??!!

While most people have lost big money, maybe even millions, or maybe even billions if your name happens to be Bill Gates for example..Mr. Buffet made $8 billion instead. :)

Read the below article published by Calcutta News.Net, Saturday 11th October, 2008:
Billionaire investor Warren Buffett has once again become the richest American, only weeks after Bill Gates was given the title.

Forbes magazine has recalculated the fortunes of some of the 400 wealthiest Americans and has deposed Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates, after assessing the effect of the current financial crisis.

Seventeen billionaires on Forbes list have lost more than $1 billion in the past month.

But, Buffett has managed to boost his wealth by $8 billion to $58 billion, pushing Gates down to second place after his fortune fell to $55.5 billion from $57 billion.

Gates had been ranked No. 1 on the Forbes 400 list for the past 15 years with his Microsoft fortune.

Buffett made his money by building his company Berkshire Hathaway into an investment firm with strong management.

Talk about a good portfolio investment!!! :) I think it's safe to say he really is one of the world's best investors. However, it doesn't really seem like any of the other "Forbes fellows" will have to worry about living on the street, even after losing a few billions here and there... now, does it?

Happy Birthday, Ellen!

Today is Ellen's birthday, she's turning 4!!!! Cannot believe it - time flies! Ellen is my cousin's daughter. We have as a little tradition to meet the day after her b-day at a "special place".. only the 3 of us... hihi...So tomorrow it is! :)


Ses imorgon...

Sunday, October 12, 2008

A Beautiful Day

This is the park we so frequently visit.


Took the opportunity to practice some stacking as well... the baby is looking good. :) The Gorgeous Old Man is in the country this weekend again, thus no pics of him. :(

"A Fall Blast"

Of course we were out this morning enjoying the beautiful weather... having a blast! Taking lots of pics..
Above: "I'm gonna learn how to fly - high!"

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Here he is...

...Atlas. James' beautiful brother who did so well at the show today... He's a handsome young man. :)

Results from Strängnäs

1a Kv, 3a Kk

Jay did alright at the Dog Show today. He came 3rd with HP (Honor Prize). The reason why I'm not super happy with the show today is because he did not behave in the ring. However, he was not the only dog who wasn't feeling it. I think it could be because it got too crowded inside, dogs and people everywhere in an area that was just too small... It was hard for James to relax, and unfortunately he did not show his best side. But for some reason I didn't think he looked that good no matter what..hmm, he looked small (as in skinny) compared to the other dogs. I think he will need a little break and time to develop more. He still eats poorly, so if he only could eat like a normal dog he would put on some needed weight.

Someone who did great and looked fabulous today though, was James brother Atlas. He was sooooo pretty. His 2nd place finish with HP was well deserved. Congratulations, Sofia & Atlas (and family)!!!!!

We had a Finish judge by the name of Pirjo Hjelm and the show was put on by Östsvenska Terrierklubben in Strängnäs.

Here's James' critic (in Swedish):
En junior hane som behöver mera tid. Trevligt huvud, bra bett, tendens till tunga öron. Hals ok samt överlinje. Bröstkorgen behöver utvecklas, benstomme ok, tillräckligt utvecklad bak, rör sig ok.

The critic in English:
A junior male who needs more time. Nice head, good bite, inclined to have heavy ears. Neck ok and top line. The chest needs to develop, bone structure ok, enough developed behind, moves ok.

As always - a big THANK YOU to Marina who showed James.

Friday, October 10, 2008

An extension

Got some great news when I logged in to one of my classes last night, the deadline for the research paper that was due on Tuesday has been extended to Thursday! :) Wow, sounds like music to my ears. That means I only have to worry about one paper this weekend ...fabulous!

We are packed up for tomorrow's Dog Show. I will be getting up around 5 am so I have time to take Jay for about an hour's walk and get myself ready before leaving at around 6:45 am. We should be at the show grounds around 8 am (so we have time for the vet check-in and for James to calm down:)) and at 9 am the show starts and Jayness is first up. Eeeeeeeiiiii, so exciting!

Cross your fingers!!! :)

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Happy Birthday, Jodi!

Today is Mr. L's niece's birthday, Miss Jodi. She's the cutest little girl in the whole world..
Happy 6th Birthday, Jodi!
Sending you lots of hugs & kisses all the way to NYC from Sweden.
ps. She's having her b-day party tomorrow, and she's gonna have a princess-pirate cake..hihi...

A summary

As I mentioned before, this week is, and will continue to be horrible.. including the weekend since I have so much school work to do. I will get a break during Saturday though, considering we have a Dog Show to attend. I'm really excited about it, it's been a while since Jay was shown. Please cross your fingers for the Baby Blue. :) Oh and not this weekend but the following, Gabbi and I are going to attend a handler class.. should be fun!

The results for the exam I took last Friday came out today, and I did really well. I cannot believe it considering I thought I totally failed it. I don't want to honk my own horns, but I've done great in school ...I'm a VG-student (honor student) but OMG I'm so tired of it now. So to be honest, I can't describe how shocked and happy I am for passing this test with flying colors when all "the school energy" has been drained out of me.

Right now we are working on a research paper (Ulrika & I), we did an interview with the CEO of a company last Tuesday. The paper is due this Tuesday coming up ... and another paper/analysis is due on Sunday in the other class I am taking.. so as you can hear, my weekend is screwed except for when I get a break to go to the Dog Show. I so long for Tuesday to come along, I will jump high when both these papers have been sent in.

We had WP training last night. It was fun as usual. Did "chain training" and "cart training". I had bought a new tug-of-war toy for James which he hadn't seen before and he went totally crazy for it. When pulling a little heavier, his technique was no longer any good because he was so focused on trying to get to his toy. He even started bouncing in order to get the cart rollin' ... Next time I will go back to using treats during the pull, and not until he has finished the pull will he get his beloved toy.

We were supposed to meet Anna & Aston tonight for obedience training but it was cancelled. Anna had forgotten she was going home to visit her family for the weekend and had to leave straight after work today. But we'll see each other next week ...

Anyhow, that's about it. Back to school work. :(

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Busy "school" bee

I'm a busy bee when it comes to school work. I have so much going on right now.. aaaaahhhhh. Tired of it, but I have to suck it up! Anyhow, I'm about to call it quits for tonight.. Time to watch some TV.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

The rain stopped

In the late afternoon the rain actually stopped and even the sun came out. :) Jamie and I immediately jumped in the car and sped off to the park/forest we so often go to (Mr. L is sick with a cold and Baby Alih is in the country this weekend thus it being just the 2 of us) . We did obedience and search in the park, and we were all by ourselves... nice! Jay was really, really alert. His heel was great and his search was even better. He found the items I hid for him in no time. :)

After that we went for a walk in the forest. I had (and always have) James off leash when we take this route... He may be a wild baby with an ADD disorder (damp/ADHD), but he has soooo many good traits too. For example, having him off leash. When we meet other dogs or people or horses (yeah lots of horses in this area), he immediately comes back to me when I call him. Such a good baby - just wanna kiss and kiss and kiss him. :) And I have to say, with age the ADD characteristics have become so much better. He was such a wild puppy but I believe along with him getting older and with maturity an amazing dog has appeared. Obviously all the work and training put in to him has helped a great deal! Me LOVE Jamie. :)


Yeah, I'm bored today. The weather sucks (rain, rain and more rain). I should take the opportunity to get some school work done 'cause the next week and a half will be miserable. I'm gonna be crazy busy with school stuff. :( But the problem is, I don't feel like it. All I ever do is study or train with James. Now, don't get me wrong. Training with James is great fun but it would be nice to do something else too.... Mmmm, what to do??!!!

Jay and I have practiced some stacking today. We have a show coming up next weekend. I'm really looking forward to that since he hasn't been shown since August when he brought home the C.A.C (CERT). I'm crossing my fingers he will do great this time too. Not necessarily another C.A.C but sure, that would be nice. :) The thing with dog shows though, is that you never know how it will end ... All judges are different, so it can end ANY which way. One must never assume anything. It's going to be a Finish judge at this dog show and what I've been told, a lot of Finish judges like the AmStaffs quite small which may not be great news for James. At the same time, this judge may not look for that... All we can do is cross our fingers (& toes) and wish for the best. :)

I have also practiced on trying to get Jay to understand that he can move his hind quarters (bakdel) separately. 'Cause trust me, he suck at that. That's obviously my fault for not having practiced that earlier, but some dogs just seem to get it on their own almost. However, Jay is not one of them. :) He knows "back up" and I'm trying to get him to learn to back around corners so he can learn to "control" his hind quarters better, that way. Well, well...we'll see how that goes.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Nice Pitbull

I really liked this guy thanks to his beautiful and massive head. And check out those muscles. :) It's painful to know that so many people hate this breed. Nothing wrong with the breed, the problem is that they often attract the wrong type of people due to their "tough" exterior. Laws need to be passed against idiotic dog owners, not laws against specific breeds.

WP this morning

We had WP training this morning and it was great fun... A lot of people showed up, and the weather was actually nice (believe it or not!). Half the group took their dogs (with chains) on a walk while the other half stayed on the track. I had just walked Jay in the area before training started, so we stayed on the track instead. After a few laps with a chain, it was time to start pulling the cart. Since the other group was still out and about, the 4 of us who had stayed, our dogs got a chance to pull several times. Jayness did really good! Well except for that he has started having problems standing still the few seconds between getting him hooked to the cart and while I get in to position. He almost spins around, so I have to keep re-setting him. I don't know what that is all about, but hopefully it will go away on it's own as he gets more and more experienced. Other than that, the boy can pull. While most dogs pull slowly (i.e. walk) James pulls fast (i.e. runs almost). Everything has to go fast when it comes to Mr. Jesse James. :)

I can tell all the training (WP, obedience etc.) has paid off when it comes to his whining. It has become soooo much better! :) Anyhow, a trip to IKEA might be on the schedule... Ciao.

Here's a clip of how WP can look like during winter time.

Friday, October 3, 2008

5 hours later...

5 hours of examination and I feel both "empty" and dizzy. It's hard to describe how exhausting it is to sit for 5 full hours... and seriously, the time goes so fast that it just as well could have been a matter of 1 hour only. But once the exam is finished & sent in, that's when you "feel" the 5 hours. My back and neck are killing me... and my head is just, I have no words for how it feels like. The best thing about this day - the damn exam is over!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

How did my agenda look like today?

- As always - walked the dogs!! Sometimes it feels like that's all I do.

- Vacuumed & did some "picking up".. How damn boring is that!!! I so would prefer to pay a cleaning service (that's the American in me). Seriously! But I'm a freakn' student and this is all I can do is continue to DREAM! Back to LaLa Land. :)

- Studied (should I scream now or later????)

- Mom made lunch for us :)

- Studied (Ok, I'm screaming right now!!)

- Met with Anna & Aston at the local Dog Club. Wow, Jay thought it was exciting with so many dogs... Lots of Rotties, he might have thought there were "Alihs" everywhere. :) He was really well behaved though and very good when it came to not whining ... VERY HAPPY ABOUT THAT! Did pretty good during training too, a little bit unfocused but that's ok. It was his first time there and lots of excitement everywhere around him. We practiced recall, down-stay (for 2 min), and heel mostly. Until next Thursday, we will continue the heel training but we'll also start working on stand/stay during walk.

- Ate an omelet Mr. L made .. Yum!

- Studied... aaaaaand.... Now, I'm blogging. But it's definitely time for some TV.

Tomorrow is that nasty exam - between 3pm and 8pm. Can barley wait, so exciting... NOT! :)

Anyhow, that's it for the sarcastic me. Hopefully I will wake up like my normal self tomorrow, like the little Angel I usually am. Would Mr. L read this he would laugh his pants off, considering I'm a blond, blue-eyed devil as far as he's concerned. :)

I'm up

I was forced up around 8:15 this morning, even though I was up really late studying last night. I have started staying up too late, I am an evening/night person but I don't like it when it starts getting too late all the time 'cause that just messes up the whole day... I still like getting up at a descent time in the morning. For awhile now, I have been going to bed around 2 am and getting up around 9 am. A bit too late as far as I am concerned. At the same time - what the heck... I only got another few months left, after that, this kind of life is sooooo over!

Anyhow, I'm about to eat my porridge and hit the road with the dogs... Later!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Just another rainy day...

It's been somewhat of a worthless day today, however, it got better in the evening. I'm preparing for an exam on Friday and I'm just very tired of all the studying. It feels like everytime I try to focus on studying, I get interrupted... either the phone rings, or the dogs are acting up or Mr. L is calling for my attention :) or it's something. I wish I could just take off and live in a cave or something for a while.. I would bring Alih along though, he's great company. He never says a word as long as he gets fed and walked, yet a great big Teddy Bear to keep me warm. :) My Old Fabulous Tiger!!!!

We had WP training tonight... in the rain. Do I have to say, not a whole lot of people showed up, but some braved it. Jay needs to go out whether it rains or not, so why not put some rain gear on and head for training... that way I know I will have a content dog who hopefully will leave me alone for a while so I can get some studying done. :)

Now, to some very exciting news.. I ordered a WP harness for Jay tonight...hihi.. I ordered it from the US since it's cheaper there (with the dollar still being weak). See below pic, it's something very similar to this Jay will get. It will be his name on the side of the harness (instead of it saying Powered By CAT) and the text will be in yellow instead of white. Normally I go for the more mellow and subdued colors but this time I thought - what the heck!!!... Yellow & Black represents speed & power (thinking of a motorcycle for example) and that suits Jay just perfect. :) It will be very exciting to see how it will look on my Blue Little Baby.

I just finished watching the finale of So You Think You Can Dance (we're a bit behind in time when it comes to American TV shows). Twitch and Joshua were my favourites, and I'm so happy it was the 2 of them who lasted til the end...with Joshua being the winner!!! Anyhow, it's about midnight and I will have to get back to studying for another hour at least... Nighty Night!!!