Wednesday, August 6, 2008

A visit to the vet's office

Took Jamie to the vet today to get his wound on the back checked and to speak to the vet about his eating issues. Last night he started having diarrhea and this morning he even vomited a few times. Poor Baby! But the good news is that the wound on the back looks good and in regards to his stomach,we need to "starve" him for 24 hours... and after that he needs to eat "easy digestable food" for a while. It was nothing to worry about as long as he doesn't have a fever, drinks water and has normal energy levels, which he does.

After his stomach is back to "normal" he should only eat his regular dog food and nothing else. It is most likely, we, who have created this I-don't-want-to-eat-monster. He's as skinny as can be but we have to be tough this time and not feed him anything but his regular food. And if he doesn't eat, put the food away within 10 min. Tough love but I have a feeling (like so many people have told me) it will work. We have been pampering him for too long and that's why he has become the way he is. :(

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