Thursday, August 14, 2008

It seems like I'm going...

At the moment it seems like I will be able to go on the trip. My dad is doing ok right now, so let’s cross our fingers and toes he will be fine over the weekend and won’t have to make any trips to the ER. ‘Cause let me tell you, it’s not the best feeling in the world dumping 2 dogs (who are our dogs and our responsibility) on my parents when my dad is sick and my mom is busy caring for him. But they say they’ll work it out in one way or another. I am sure they will – but will I be able to let it go and enjoy myself while being away? Well, we’ll see. Regardless, it does not feel the greatest going on vacation knowing my dad is quite sick. Hmm, the situation kind of sucks no matter what but let’s try to make the best of it.

Mr. L and I are working our asses off trying to finish the final exam (a 10-page HRM analysis) before leaving, at the same time as we are doing laundry... and we need to pack...and we also need to squeeze in some cleaning time cause the place looks like a mess. That’s what usually happens when it’s too much studying going on, the place just falls apart. And walking and caring for the dogs are as always a part of the every-day schedule.

Once back after the weekend trip, I will be working my ass off at completing my other class. But after next week it is one week vacation until the fall semester starts. Damn – talk about nice! This summer has been awful when it comes to school and studying...the workload has been a nightmare. But what doesn’t kill you... well you know the saying.

Anyhow – if everything goes accordingly we’ll be on our way at 4am tomorrow morning as it should take about 7 hours to Malmö. That will suck but hopefully we can entertain ourselves in the car with some good music, reading up on tourist attractions, eating, talking crap, singing... you name it. :)

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