Sunday, June 8, 2008

The hot & sticky weather continues...

Yesterday Jay and I started the day with a run. It was the first time I took him for a run, and it went great. He is used to running off leash when we’re out walking so this was not a faster pace for him than normal, and it was only 2,5 kilometres. I am very happy, because I believe I finally got an excellent running partner in Mr. James.

We went to the lake in the afternoon where Jay could swim and burn off some energy. Since it was midday and hot as an oven, we actually left Alih at home. My parents’ house is really nice and cool inside so he prefers to stay inside during the day (at least on nasty hot days like these). Later in the evening, we went to our friends A & H for some ice-cream. Left both dogs at home, and when we came back my parents where getting ready to take Alih to the lake. Mr. L and I decided to take James for a nice walk instead. There was one problem though, the freakn’ mosquitoes tried to eat us alive. It was an ongoing struggle. Half way through the forest we have to cross a road and we decided to take the road instead, but the damn mosquitoes continued following us. It turned in to a super power-walk. :)

This morning started with a long and brisk walk with Jay, stopped by the lake on our way home for him to cool off. But as usual, he never wants leave. Hihi...The Lake is right by my grandparents’ house so when we were passing their house, we found them sitting on the patio enjoying some shade. We stopped and chatted with them for awhile. James was in heaven when he got his head and chest scratched by my grandpa. My grandma kept saying how beautiful James is and that he must be the most beautiful dog in the world with his color and his head. Hihi...They love all dogs but its fun when they care for their “great grandkids” a little extra. :) When we finally got back home, I took Alih for a walk. After that it was time to do some cleaning. We had brought some mats from home that we were going to try and clean, and it worked. After some hard work with the hose and a brush, the mats looked like new again. It was perfect weather for it too since it was crazy hot but yet a hint of a breeze, so they are already dry. Took both dogs to the lake in the afternoon, James swam like the wild man he is and Alih was chillin’, walking in and out of the water, sniffing, peeing and just enjoying it.

Our friends A & H and their Rottie Gonzo came over tonight and they brought pizza. Ahhhh, right now I almost feel like puking. Man, I am stuffed. I will have to go for a run tomorrow morning again. We have the TV on, watching soccer. Germany is playing Poland in the European Championships.

That's about as interesting as it gets around here. :) Hope you've had a nice weekend too, no matter how you spent it. Take care...Ciao.

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