In the afternoon it was actually time for us to head back to the city. The Dog Company I have taken obedience classes from, with James, had their grand opening of their first doggie day care / store / cafe today. My friend F and I went there to check it out, and it was nice. Lots of dog people and dogs... hihi... Even my parents showed up. My mom was there with a friend (who owns a tiny little Chihuahua) and my dad could not stay away when he found out both of us were there. :) At 7 P.M. a freestyle show was shown in the park, it was one of the leading Swedish competitors (in freestyle) who came and performed with her two dogs. James and I went to check it out...
Anyhow, gotta watch Sweden play Greece in the European Championships right now...
Later –
Jay is ...mmmm, not sure what he's up to. :)
The Super Cool Ladies :)
Hallå! Tänkte se om det gick att lämna en kommentar. Är också så HIMLA lycklig för betyget. Vi var bara så värda det! Har inte haft möjlighet tidigare men idag ska jag nog köpa mig nåt fint som ett stort jäkla grattis till mig själv (ingen annan har ju gjort det..haha). Så fina bilder du fått in på sidan. Underbara! ja även de på dig..hahaha...nej bara skämtade, du är ursnygg!!!!!! kram kram Ulrika