Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Nytt Mobil Nr.
Jag har ett nytt mobil nummer så om ni inte fått ett SMS eller e-mail från mig med det nya numret, hör av er omgående (på det gamla numret) så får ni det nya. ;)
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Who Wants To See
James in an overall??? :) If you do, click here. I guarantee a good laugh. :)
Here's a little sneak preview. ;)
Here's a little sneak preview. ;)
Friday, January 1, 2010
The 1st Day of 2010
We wish ALL our friends a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year!!!!
Due to no longer having as much time and due to having lost some of the inspiration - Alih, James and I have decided to take a break from the blog for a while. However, we promise to still visit YOUR blogs as often as we can.
James will continue with Weight Pull training, obedience, search and all the other activities. This year we will also return to the Show Ring. Our first show will be in February, so please cross your fingers for us. We'll keep you updated on how that works out.
I am hoping to keep my other blog alive... we'll see how that works though but if you're feeling like it, please stop by and say hi.
Pga av tiden inte alltid räcker till numera, och pga att inspirationen tyvärr har försvunnit - har Alih, James och jag bestämt att ta ett avbrott från vår blogg under en tid. Vi lovar dock att besöka ERA bloggar så ofta vi kan.
Våra planer för närvarande är att fortsätta med Weight Pull, lydnadsträning, sök och alla andra aktiviter vi redan sysslar med. Dessutom kommer vi återvända till utställnings ringen detta år. Vår första utställning kommer äga rum i februari, så håll tummarna för oss. ;) Vi håller er uppdaterade på hur detta går.
Ska försöka uppdatera den andra bloggen jag har, men no promises. ;)
Alih's Belated 10th B-day Party
Since I was sick when Alih turned 10 (November 21) we decided to have a b-day party on another day. And what better day than to celebrate him on the day our beloved Carlos would have turned 10!!!
Yesterday, on New Year's Eve, Alih finally got his 10th Birthday Party! His beloved brother Carlos and his best friends from LA were deeply missed, however, he still managed to have a BLAST! :)
He received gifts, a cake, a pig ear... and he got a chance to tease his little brother (i.e. James) crazy with his new toys. :)
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